Monday, September 24, 2012

Re:Turn Around

Subject: Re: Turn around

Look!! am trying to defend you, but you have to be defendable you are making too many mistakes at this late stage of the game. I would recommend you stop whining about Obama defining you, well if you don’t or can’t define yourself someone else will and you won’t like it. This is not the primary!! Wake up and smell the coffee, you have to out everyday no time for vacation!!! On labor day, might I remind you day for works you were off and Obama had two public meetings O-perliss get real. For once stay away from the rich folks until this thing is in the bag.

Yeah I don’t like Peggy either…her name is so country….she must have been born by a 15 yr old outside Piggly Wiggly and her mother gave her that name. she is disgusting.


Turn Around

Subject: Turn around

Could you have RNC leaders stop airing out what they feel at least till I can make changes within the campaign. We need to focus on Obama; I can’t fight on two fronts, Obama and your guys and the idiot columnist Peggy Noonan, I would have called her something else. If I win I will get her fired!!


Monday, September 03, 2012

Labor Day Off

Subject: Labor Day

If I were you I would fire your adviser, today was Labor Day and you should have been out on the trail. Simply staying at home show you are the employer who doesn’t care about the employees. Labor Day…. You labor; I guess you haven’t labored to know what it means.

Hey talk to you soon.

Yours truly,

Friday, August 31, 2012

Obama Fort Bliss

Subject:Fw: RNC convention

Hey Clint, that was funny I was cranking up this morning on the way to Texas,  since you said “make my day” and I decided to go to Texas cowboy land….get it? I knew you would. By the way…I guess you were not doing a good job on stage so they let you go after what ten minutes? B

Anyway to answer your ? I will be in NO on Monday….you are more than welcome to come.

By the way running a country is not like making a movie …. Crap that scene wasn’t “take 2” and when people die they are not available for the next movie. Give me a call sometimes.

Yours truly,

RNC Convention

Subject: RNC convention
Good morning Mr. President sorry about yesterday I was just trying to make the rating in the social media. I know Mitt would not talk about hurricane Isaac…pspsps I had seen his whole speech. If they were not talking about me today they would be talking about Mitt not mentioning hurricane Isaac….which you agree is not a good thing ….I mean people’s house were flooded…hope Ds not Rs J just kidding. Anyway when are you going to New Orleans?

Make my day

Friday, August 24, 2012


Subject: Akins/Texas Judge

Guys we need to start cleaning this mess, can you offer Akins a post, something, I need to show that am in-charge. When I call for him to go that should be the case. I could care less of what he said I have boys…J just kidding.

That loony Judge in TX makes me wonna send him to hunting with Cheney. Can you guys control the message from everyone? By the way is Dick still alive? If so please txt me his number.
