From: Reince.Priebus@RNC.com
To: Romney@bain.com
Subject: Re: Turn around
Look!! am trying to defend you, but you have to be
defendable you are making too many mistakes at this late stage of the game. I
would recommend you stop whining about Obama defining you, well if you don’t or
can’t define yourself someone else will and you won’t like it. This is not the
primary!! Wake up and smell the coffee, you have to out everyday no time for
vacation!!! On labor day, might I remind you day for works you were off and
Obama had two public meetings O-perliss get real. For once stay away from the
rich folks until this thing is in the bag.
Yeah I don’t like Peggy either…her name is so country….she
must have been born by a 15 yr old outside Piggly Wiggly and her mother gave
her that name. she is disgusting.