Friday, April 11, 2008

China and the Olympic torch

China has grown to a very strong and powerful country for even government both local and national to ignore. Take the story of the journey of the Olympic torch in California, it, California, had to shorten the run and even change the route, as governor Newsom put it “it was for the public safety” which if truth be told, would mean that California can’t control marcher and protestors. The simple fact is that California sided with China over it’s own citizens who were our to see the sprit of the games, granted some were out to protest which is I would assume is part of the game(s). All around the world, where the torch is going people are protesting to China’s involvement in places like Darfur and Tibet. The citizens of China can’t see what’s going on in their local news media because it is controlled by the government.

But all hope is not lost. China will wish it hadn’t taken the games in the 1st place and here’s why. Come August China will not be able to control all the protestor that will be flocking into the country as tourists, spectators and yep you guessed it protestors. China will not be able to withhold cameras from the visitors and then others within China (citizens) see what protestors can do for a cause. And here is rub, China will not, at least in theory, be able to hold foreign protestors as it does it’s citizens, or they will hold them and then apologize later after the Olympic games are over to the respective countries. Come to think of it I can’t wait till August when the games begin.