Tuesday, July 21, 2009

America the land of monopolies.

There are so many monopolies but they are camouflaged very well that to the naked eye one can’t see them. Take for example the phone industry why is that one hates ATT but can only get an iphone from them? On the other hand why is it that one hates sprite but can only get Pre from them? This is monopoly which now the regulators are pretending to be looking into, where were they when the deals were made?...in the pockets of the companies. For the average American iphone and Pre (palm) are the best thing since sliced bread, but go to Japan where there is competition….American would be surprised to hear no one wants to buy iphone because the phone there are much much better than America’s best they can buy stuff and pay for train rides.

Banking industry
Another monopoly, wal-mart wants to open a banking arm to its chain of stores but even it has hit a brick wall with the lobbing group of banking industry here in American. If I were to put my money somewhere I would rather put it with Bank of Wal-mart since, if the bank were to go under at least they would pay me with the things I need from the store, groceries as unemployment. FDIC would have less to worry about since they could sell a few wal-marts and get their consumers’ money back. In other countries e.g. Mexico Wal-mart has banking services which is competing with Elekta a Mexican retailer of everything from computers to cars and everything in between. Tesco the UK grocery store is floating around with the idea, Migros, a grocery store, has had a banking arm in Switzerland since 1958. Wow!!! What a monopoly we have here in America, no wonder the banks charge whatever interest they want on credit cards.

Don’t late me get started with the car industry…monopolies don’t last for ever GM anyone?