Tuesday, October 27, 2009

H1N1 or is it Hone None?

“Typically, it takes three years or so for the human cases to take off. But in Colorado, for example, the cases skyrocketed in just one year, from 14 cases in 2002 to 2,947 in 2003. In Idaho, the cases jumped from 13 in 2005 to 996 last year — only the third year after its first case. And California went from one case in 2002 to 779 in 2004.”

“The mosquito-borne virus has infected 2,000 people in 32 states so far this year and killed 98. Particularly worrisome are recent discoveries that West Nile apparently can be spread through blood transfusions if someone donates blood shortly after becoming infected, and that it occasionally causes a polio-like paralysis.” -2005 The Associated Press

“Sen. Patrick Leahy called on the government to examine whether terrorism is involved in a West Nile outbreak that has killed 54 people this year. According to the CDC, nationally, 1,295 people have contracted the disease and 54 have died.
Leahy's office also released excerpts Thursday from previous news and congressional committee reports saying officials had downplayed the fear that the spread of West Nile virus might be the work of bioterrorists”. –Foxnews 2002

These are the news quotes of yesteryears and I have not quoted SARS and Bird Flu. Every one or two years there seems to appear a disease that is like to cause a great deal of damage but it never seems to pan out. This year the big thing is H1N1 people are been told to take the vaccine and pay it, this is becoming a cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry, between patents running out and new once coming online they need to make money and the way they do it is by giving people a little vaccine that they don’t need or require, but that is not easy therefore one has to create some hype and hence all the stories in the news of now how many people could die if they don’t take the vaccine for a small convenient fee of just $25.00 and that does not include the normal flu vaccine. All of which are going to billed to the insurance company at a premium and we the stupid people will pay for it. So there you go don’t lose sleep over the H1N1 for next year you will be losing sleep of H2N2 and they year after that H3N3.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Too Big To Fail
In 1890 Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act which is the source of all American anti-monopoly laws. With the law the US Supreme Court in 1911 broke up one of the largest monopoly that had ever existed until then The Standard Oil Company. Some of the practices that the company was engaged in were similar to what we are seeing today with large financial institutions. When a company becomes too big to fail and has to be bailed out by the tax payers that it is screwing in terms of high taxes disguised as fees then the congress has the mandate to pass a law just like the Sherman Antitrust Act to break up the institutions or at least limit them to size which are not too big to fail.

This was a cartoon of Teddy Roosevelt as an infant Hercules and the Serpent Standard Oil. Is it possible to have Obama as an infant Hercules and the Serpent Financial Institution (Too Big to Fail)?