From: JBoehner@HouseOfRepresentatives.gov
To: PRyan@HouseBudgetCommittee.gov
Subject: Re:Re: Gov shutdown
Michele Bachmann, good thing you don’t even remember who she
is J.
From: PRyan@HouseBudgetCommittee.gov
To: JBoehner@HouseOfRepresentatives.gov
Subject: Re: Gov shutdown
As a matter of fact my staff is working on that. We need to
cut these entitlement craps! If you look at the entitlement programs we have in
this country we are a very socialist country!
You are right I too hate the SOB, he has put us in a log jam
that even the might Mississippi can’t unjam. I can’t say much since I also have
TP followers in my camp.
Who is MB?
From: JBoehner@HouseOfRepresentatives.gov
To: PRyan@HouseBudgetCommittee.gov
Subject: Gov shutdown
We really need to figure this shutdown out. The way things
are going Ted seems to be the leader of the house. The president doesn’t want
to give me a lifeline to get out of this jam to fix the problem, I really hate
that SOB(Ted). Here is the plan since you are the chairman of Budget committee,
come up with a plan to negotiate with the WH that will blindside the stupid
defund OC issue. Once we are in the clear I will see to it that we are never
pushed to such a jam in the future however far or near that future is.
IOU you one.
P.S. I really hope Ted goes the way of MB.