Tuesday, November 25, 2008

There was Sharpeville, Bloody Sunday, The night of Tlateloko, and then Rwanda. Those were locations that made and shaped the world and moved people when they finally saw what had happened. Today we have Zimbabwe, Bob Marley sang about it with the following lyrics with the country’s title.

Every man gotta right to decide his own density,
And in this judgment there is no partiality,
So arm in arms, with arms, we’ll fight this little struggle,
‘cause that’s the only way we can overcome our little trouble.

That was then and Bob was a supporter of Zimbabwe. But what happened? The African community and more so South Africa, the South African countries and the world community at large have let the ordinary Zimbabwean down to the point that their lives are worthless. We have seen the suffering that is coming out of Zimbabwe through photos and news, e.g. of hyperinflation how they are knocking down zeros from their currency notes just to try and control inflation …sorry make that hyperinflation. We have seen the empty supermarkets and have heard about the news coming from families abroad who are having a hard time sending money back home to BBC reporter who have sneaked. Let make a simple comparison, when the Iceland was going through bankruptcy, Europeans and the IMF were working hard to bail the country out, while faced with the same problem (currency devaluation) Zimbabwe was receiving guns from China with the help of South Africa. If the transport workers union hadn’t prevented the ship from docking and unload those guns, they would have ended in Zimbabwe. The South African government couldn’t say no to the transit of guns until the unions said so. If the mercenary soldiers who were heading to Equatorial Guinea with the intention of deposing a corrupt president, had a final destination of Zimbabwe then it might be that they would not have been arrested since they would have been as their final destination. At what point is assassination okay when one person is assassinating via torture a whole generation? While people are dying in Zimbabwe UN leaders are condemning Robert Mugabi for withholding power and refusing power sharing government. President Carter and the UN delegation are “stranded” in South Africa since they can’t get into Zimbabwe. What did we say about Rwanda? Never again, let hope we didn’t take that lightly to mean never again in Rwanda but everywhere.
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