Monday, February 23, 2009

The Donation List

It has come to light that “sir” Allen Stanford’s donation list includes the president of the United States. Here is the break down of who’s who when it came time to giving to Madoff’s “brother” in Ponzi schemes “sir” Stanford. President Obama is 3rd having received $31,750 during the presidential campaign, John McCain $28,000 Tom Delay former house speaker received $20,100 and the grand sum went to Bill Nelson, the Florida senator who was vice-chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in 2002 when congress was considering tougher anti-fraud legislation, he received $45,900. John Cornyn of Texas received $19,700 and made a four-day “fact-finding trip” to Antigua with his wife in 2004, and you may have guessed by now who footed the $7,411 bill… yep you guessed it, Stanford, according to congressional disclosure.

Now if this is not illegal I don’t know what is. Think about it, let’s assume that one always passes speeding, on the way to work, a firehouse, EMT and a Police station, and he/she were to make a donation to whomever he wanted. Since he is usually speeding (breaking the law) he will naturally donate more money to the Cops since it will be assume that they will go easy on him when he gets stopped. Why would he donate to the firehouse or EMT? Screw them chances of coming into contact with them are low and he would be on this death bed. They can’t affect his insurance premiums but the Cops can. This is what happens with big co-operations they donate to the cops of their industry and we the citizens are left paying for it in the long run. E.g. Madoff, Stanford, Lehman Brothers, Citi, AIG, Bank of America, GM, and the like. Stay tuned on how I propose to fix this problem.

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