Monday, September 21, 2009

How did we get here

So how do six million Jews get killed and no one notices until after the fact? How is it that people have so much hatred to crush two planes into buildings and one in a farmland? It doesn’t just start overnight it is a progression of events which are dismissed as just a few bad apples. Let’s start with the six million Jews that were killed during WWII, it all start with Hitler blaming them for the economic situation of Germany at the time, one has to remember that Germany had lost WWI and they were paying reparations for the war which would be equivalent to higher taxes. Hitler comes to power and blames the Jews for the down fall of the country and its then current state. There are three people that are key to this plot Heinrich Himmler, Josef Goebbels and Herman Goring. These are the people who are in-charge of the propaganda messages that the Jews are to blame. It all starts slowly and been “innocent” and by the time it’s all over six million Jews are dead and even the people who lived right next to the concentration camps had no idea what was going on in them. Some were fight for ideology that they didn’t understand or care to.

Fast forward 50yrs later and one has almost the same thing. When al-Qaeda preaches hatred towards the West most Muslims don’t speak out arguing “am not like that, those are just a few bad apples”. And again the message(of hatred) is passed on by three people Osama bin Laden, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Finally on September 11 the results are deadly, over four thousand people die and the world changes as we knew it. Those events are followed by Madrid then London and all the while Muslims don’t condemn the action openly but covertly “those are not my views, they are the view of a small minority, now we know what the views of a small minority can do if not arrest early on, we the general public will suffer. Now we can’t even get on a plane with a coke or coffee and what we are given on that plane is rationed as if we are living in a planned economy or it was medicine. Just a quick question to the Muslims; why is it that when there is a terror plot or suspicion of one there is always a Muslim associated with it?

Fast forward 58yrs later and we have the same pattern developing, only that this time it’s in America and the rightwing part of the Republican party are flaming the flames of hatred. And once again we have three characters at the center of it, namely Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and what’s his name?....Oh yeah the Sean. Everything that is wrong with the government is been turned to racism and the moderate part of the Republican party is not condemning the views just like the Muslims who were saying “am not like that, those are just a few bad apples” or just like the Germans who were not happy with the Jews, they are becoming a silent minority majority in the Republican party. How long can this going on? I have no answer to that but based on history if we have another shock in the markets or someone gets fired from his job and decides to avoid the legal system to air out his view this country will descend down a spiral that I would even want to contemplate.

Remember WWI was started with the death of one public figure which in turn lead to WWII.

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