Friday, September 18, 2009

Public Option

The reason why the Obama administration will have the public option in the final Health Bill is very simple, they have played there cards very well and it is ingenious. Max Baucus came out with a bill that had so much of what the Republicans wanted and none, even the 3 Republicans in the gang of 6 supported it. What this means to the Obama administration, the Democrats and country at large is that no matter what they (the administration) do on the health bill(or any other matter) the Republicans will in the end say no, in other words there are not negotiating in good faith (assuming they have faith). The only way for the Obama administration is to force feed the bill and have it voted and once it is in place and people start using the insurance and they get hooked on it it will be hard if not impossible to kill it.

So here is the low down there will be a health bill and it will have a PUBLIC OPTION and it will cost over $900 billion….as to say screw you Republicans we are outta here.

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