Thursday, August 27, 2015

Trip to Peru... Day one

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. So my 1st full day in Lima, got up ready! figuring out this will be the day! Go downstairs for breakfast and I open the door to verify the iPhone weather which called for partly sunny skies and some clouds, to my horror it gray and drizzling....aka Seattle weather...boomer! No sweat I think this is adventure if I get fix, cup of coffee, things will start rolling in the right direction. I have my breakfast coffee and an egg sandwich. I have no soles, aka Peruvian dinero, so I head out in search for a bank to perform the dollar conversion. After walking for about half an hour I spot a bank and go over ask for the conversion rate and it is 3.065 soles to the dollar, I walk over to the next bank and it is 3.075. So I make the change and as I walk back to pick my backpack I go past a money changer @ 3.14soles to the dollar. Crap!!!! I cry why didn't I walk this way 1st? oh well! S#@t happens. so I head back to the crib pick my bag and head out to pick a Matatu aka minibus as part of my transportation. Now mind you, boy genius here forgot to do his homework and Spanish? nada! so am at the bus stop and I see the hwy signs with an arrow pointing up ahead and the word LIMA next to it. so I wait at the bus for about 15mins minibus/bus come and go and none says Lima,most say Independencia and people are boarding and so yours truly puts 2 and 2 together and figure this s#$t out. Lima is up ahead most people are going that way therefore being a work day they must be going to city center!!! Am smart I can tell myself, so I board the minibus where someone was shouting Independecia and off we go.

It was cloudy as we left and as we drive towards Lima the clouds start to left up and as we get close to "LIMA" rather than the office tower I expect to see I see a big dirty mountain and am like okay way to go mr smart pants! there is your Lima city center! gray dirt mountain. At some point I get off the bus and start walking to where my iphone is telling me the city center is. I try to get direction but the locals English is equivalent to my Spanish.....something has to give here I think and sure enough am thinking surely that can't be me. I find a metro and but the ticket expensively at 10 soles card plus fare. I jump on the bus in one direction....reason? ...this goes back to world cup, so when the world was on and I would skip work, I mean while i was sick, I would watch world cup on the Spanish channels and when the goal keeper kick the ball the announcer would yell CENTRO!!!!!! and the ball would be in the center of the field. Now armed with a good memory and trying to find the city center that shouldn't be a problem the voice in my head announces. so I take the metro and head to centro and I alight at centro walk around and at this time my stomach is starting to whine...not sure about what since its only I ignore it and keep walking looking for the museum can't find any of them, the sounds start emanating from the middle of my body. I look for a place to fill the tummy and as one might recall Spanish is  not working for me so I go to the next best thing Pictures of food! all I have to do here is point at the picture and say I want that! and I will be I walking in to a restaurant by the justice department and point to a picture that looks awesome combined with the fact that the tummy is whining it look awesome, I take a sit and the soup comes out, great with hot sauce, then the main dish is presented at the table....and on boy!!!! am I fuming!!! as it turned out I order FRIED RICE!!!!! s#$t I can get that back home! Crap!!! so my mouth is really angry that am in Peru and the brain got fried rice, my tummy just wants my mouth to get over it and hurry and swallow it.....the soup that was holding the tummy is now starting to sober the tummy and  it wants to get drunk with the fried rice. so the mouth obliges and in 10mins the compromise is done (compromise: what everyone gets and nobody wanted).

with everyone okay, we head out to hunt for the museum again. I come across this building that look awesome looks great then the MET in NY...I walking and a security guard stops me and I ask what the build is. To which he responds something in Spanish and yours truly agrees with it and  walks out....I walk around this beautiful place and look around, great building and as I walk I see people lining up and as if line for a party or a museum entrance, the genius in me lines up and when I look closely they all have forms they are filling out as the line moves, of course in Spanish, I get one and after I look around and "read" the signs I once again discover my brain is not as smart as I would like, as it turns out am in a line to register for classes! am on a campus at the university of Peru!! all in Spanish! At this point I figure out the local time is 2pm but I just have decided to make it 5pm. The only problem with that call is that  I have to figure my way back to the temporally crib! be continued!

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